пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

dress form superior

I win at everything ever. And iapos;m about to explain to you how you, too, can do this.

now, keep in mind, people might think youapos;re arrogant, self-centered, and basically a bitch. This is okay. They will wish they were you.

itapos;s actually quite simple.

know, not think, know what a fucking amazing human being you are. Know that there is no one else like you in the entire world. Know that without you, the world would be a little less happy, a little less colorful, a little less wonderful. You have to know this, beyond a shadow of a doubt.

you have to look in the mirror and be happy with whatapos;s looking back.

step two.

be the kind of person to back that claim up. Once you know how wonderful you are, act like it. Be a wonderful friend. Be a wonderful girlfriend. Be a wonderful coworker. Be a wonderful person to be around. This is not easy. You will not succeed everyday. You will make mistakes. You will have off days. Handle it. You wake up the next morning, look in the mirror, say "hello, gorgeous", and donapos;t make the same mistakes again.

now, you might be saying, "mandy, that sounds backwards. Shouldnapos;t you be a great person before you can go around claiming that you are?" fair question a lot of times, people make half-ass attempts at greatness. Perhaps thats not fair of me to say-they genuinely try. But then, they look in the mirror and something about themselves sets them back. They arenapos;t cute enough, or not small enough, or not enough money. Something. And then they sliddddde back into self-loathe mode, and you know what they do? they drag other people down. Because theyapos;re not happy. Because theyapos;re not yet able to be happy with their own reflection. But the people who do look square in the mirror, accept what they see, and then OWN IT, LOVE IT, LIVE IT, well, those are the kinds of people that can be comfortable with everyone they meet. The kinds of people who can seriously screw up, and be big enough to apologize. The kind of people who never have to pretend, or try, or want to be something other than what they are.

and you know what everyone else is going to do? call you a bitch, a self centered little snob. And to that i respond, please. Theyapos;re talking about you. Get it girl. they are talking about your fine ass. You donapos;t have time to waste on them. Youapos;ve got people to see, things to do, mountains to move. Youapos;ve got sunshine to spread, friend, and you canapos;t keep the worthy waiting by worrying about the unworthy.

so maybe i am self centered. Maybe i am arrogant. But i love myself, and not without overcoming and accepting my shortcomings. Iapos;ve earned my self-love. And itapos;s only when you truly love yourself that anyone else is able to love you. Not in that shallow, arm-around-the-shoulder love, but that deep, unconditional love. Loving yourself means you never put the burden on other people to make you happy, leaving them free to love you without the pressure or guilt of holding up your self esteem. And they will love you more for that freedom.

honesty, i hope everyone can face themselves and be happy. And i know not everyday is easy, and i know not everyday is going to be wrought with enthusiasm, but...thatapos;s okay. It does get easier. Itapos;s all about the mindset.

this little light of mine, motherfucker, iapos;m going to let it shine
dress form superior, dress form table top, dress form to make, dress form twin.

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