воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

cmk development chicago

I really hate people here. All of them are so anti-Obama. And you can probably guess why. At least half of them are just disgusting racists. Seriously i see like a million mccain/palin signs up where ever i drive. Its awful. I just donapos;t understand how people can base a vote on something like that. I dont understand how people are fine with mccain and palin taking away womenapos;s rights. And i donapos;t understand how people keep on saying democrats have more government when Bush has made the Executive branch so much more powerful than it ever should be. But most of all i dont understand how people canapos;t pull them selves away from their peers and parents beliefs and educate themselves and make their own decisions. I just do not get it. And whats awful is that the people around here make me want to hate every single republican out their, even though i imagine there are some good republicans in the world. I just donapos;t think too many of them live in rockland county. Like i havenapos;t heard an educated reason to be republican from anyone. Like all these people are just making me want to look down on republicans. I dont want to do that because i dont like to think badly of people because of their beliefs. The problem is that if some one believes a certain way and they have no clue what they are talking about, and arent educated about it, i cannot respect them. Not to mention the republican presidential nominee. Any group who voted that douche bag in has to have some problems. The problem is that people donapos;t think objectively. They get clouded by their judgments. Like it may seem like iapos;ve been gung-ho against mccain the whole time, but i havent. I gave every nominee a fair chance. And then i read up on all of them and got the nominee i want. And in this process i learned things about mccain that made me realize he is a liar and not suitable to be president. I will not bash him for his personal beliefs, but he is definitely not some one i would want ruling this country. I just do not get it. I donapos;t. And i donapos;t get how everyone loves palin. Everytime some one comes into the deli and says they love her i just want to be like, "Oh? And do you love the fact that she wants to stop teaching about contraceptives in school? Or that she thinks only creationism should be taught in school? Or that she wants to take away your right as a woman to choose?" It makes me sick that people just donapos;t research these people. Like one of catherineapos;s friends told her that she was going to vote for the candidate with the name she liked best. ITs awful. But i canapos;t change people. I just have to do my job as an american citizen and vote. Ah i should really go to be now.

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