пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

cilek ltd

Max is really a pain in my sisterapos;s ass. Thereapos;s this love-hate relationship going on between them. I cannot comprehend. Itapos;s too complicated. One moment sheapos;s all lovey dovey with Max like heapos;s the only thing worth living for in this whole world, and the next moment, itapos;s a drastic change. Sheapos;d kick Max in the ass and yell at him, telling him how much she hates him. Sheapos;d sms me to extend that hate sometimes. Like i said... Complicated. Cannot be bothered.

Watched Max Payne today. SUCKY SHOW. I donapos;t think anybodyapos;s anticipating for the second part. At least iapos;m not.

And guess what. I bought a pair of sport shoes from queensway shopping centre today. HAHA I will start jogging/exercising. Whatever that keeps me healthy and�alive for the next 60 years. Whether is it organic food or�exercising (eww gross)�or even eating fruits (which i abhor). I WILL STAY HEALTHY FOR MY HUBBS AND MY FUTURE KIDS AND MOST OF ALL... FOR MYSELF.

Gogopowerranger. -pink-

Save save save. Working my ass off to save till i reach my target. To invest,� i must save, so save i shall. But... Having to abstain from shopping is like tryna kick a drug habit. Haha Argh Screw the apos;cold turkeyapos; Itapos;s whatapos;s after�it�that matters. Sometimes I wish Warren Buffet was my Dad or something (way better than having a bummer). Iapos;d trade anything... Max even... But not Matt... Just to have that wish come true. HEEHEE

Well itapos;s okay. I will just keep reading and reading and learning and learning.

ok time to sleep. Gotta work at an auction early in the morning. NINE AM ON A SAT. Somebody tau pok me. :S
cilek ltd, cilek mobilya, cilek mobilya.com.

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